- type /ccmg to send mails with open world set pieces you have already collected to the player you set in the addon settings
- automated ignore list to avoid sending the same items again and again
- automated looting and binding of the received mails and set pieces

To get started:
- Communicate with your group who sends items to whom.
- Open the addon settings and type in the player you want to receive your mails.
- Check the rest of the settings and set them to your liking.
- You're ready to go: type /ccmg to send mails with items.

Why does this addon exist?
Since the set collection system was introduced some guild mates of mine started a little chain mail group for overland sets. Let's say their names are Person A, Person B and Person C. Person A finds some set items she already has collected. So she sends them to Person B. Person B takes everything he needs to bind and sends everything else to Person C and so on. This addon helps automate this process.

Type /ccmg to send collected set items to the pre-defined recipient. You can choose in the settings whether as many mails as needed are sent or if you would like to repeat /ccmg and only send one mail per command.
The addon remembers which items you have sent - once you get them back, meaning nobody in the group still needs them, they are added to the ignore list and will no longer be sent by the addon.
If new people are added to the circle, it is recommended that you reset the ignore list. You can do that in the settings.

The addon automatically loots the messages received from your group members (it checks the subject of the mail) and binds all pieces from the mail you have not collected so far (other items in your inventory will NOT be bound!). You can deactivate this in the addon settings, but note that only mails looted by the addon will count for the ignore list.

The mail handling for addons can be a little fuzzy sometimes. If you have mails in your inbox the addon doesn't loot, try the following:
1. Type /ccmgread to manually start the auto-loot process
2. Port to a neutral zone (e.g. housing) to make sure nothing prevents you from accessing the mails and open the mail interface before trying step 1 again.
3. If nothing helps: reload the ui (/reloadui).
(You shouldn't take the attachments by hand if you still want the addon to recognize them as returned items that should not be sent again).
In very few ocassions the addon will also fail to send a mail and ESO won't tell it - in that case the addon will tell you something went wrong as soon as any other mail (by yourself or another addon) is sent successfully.

Optional depends on: LibCustomMenu
