
HideHousePreviews (Updated) 作者: Zandar

This addon does the following things:Options to hide preview icons for houses you haven't purchased (or only hide preview icons on the Tamriel map)Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0Shows red question marks for undisvoered/new houses.Toggle displayed (and

Elsweyr Mural Mender 作者: Kyoma

Elsweyr Mural MenderAdds map pins for the mural fragments needed for the Mural Mender achievement in Elsweyr.Required Libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibMapPins-1.0CustomCompassPins

Extra Compass Pins 作者: trollusk

Add several new pin types to the overhead compass, for those of us who play without minimaps. Each pin type can be toggled on or off individually. Each pin type has its own colour which can be set in the configuration menu.Town services:- Stables- Banks

Fast Travel Spendings 作者: MrPikPik

You always wantd to know, how much gold you spent on fast traveling?With this addon installed, you now know, how much gold you wasted on fast travelling to wayshrines as it counts the amount spent while it is active.Every time you select a wayshrine to

akamatsu02's Markers 作者: akamatsu02

Add position markers on the map and share them with your group!Required Addons:- LibAkaUtils- OdySupportIcons- LibDataShare- LibChatMessageBasic Functions:- Place a white Marker on your position- Open Marker Menu (Keybind or /marker)- Place private

Shissu's Teleporter 作者: Shissu

Shissu's TeleporterTeleportiere dich in jede Zone, in denen sich andere Spieler deiner Gilden, deiner Gruppe oder auch deine Freunde befinden. Öffne einfach das Teleporterfenster über eine Tastaturkombination deiner WAHL (festgelegt in der STEUERUNG),