
Cyrotivity 作者: aldericon

A very simply addon that modifies the tool-tips when viewing over keeps, outposts or capturable towns in the Cyrodiil map while in Cyrodiil. It keeps track in your current session (so it doesn't carry over if you crash or log out) when each location was u

Elm's Markers 作者: bitrock

Allows you to add, manage, and share custom markers on your 3D world map. Works on every zone!(Requires OdySupportIcons)Adding and Removing Markers--------------------------------------------------------------------------Using /elms place or /elms p will

Auto Remove Waypoint (Set Destination) 作者: SSM24

Ever get tired of having to manually remove your waypoint every time you use it? Worry no more!WHAT IT DOESThis addon will simply remove your waypoint (set destination) whenever you get close enough to it. The distance required can be configured, and the

Fast Travel Spendings 作者: MrPikPik

You always wantd to know, how much gold you spent on fast traveling?With this addon installed, you now know, how much gold you wasted on fast travelling to wayshrines as it counts the amount spent while it is active.Every time you select a wayshrine to

Keep Door 作者: Verling

Shows where the doors of the fortresses are located.