
EasyTravel 作者: sirinsidiator

Dungeon Travel 作者: secretrob

This is a simple addon based on EasyTravel. I can never find the dungeons I want on the map to travel to them so this addon allows being able to type the name to travel there. It should check and only autocomplete / travel if you have the dungeon availabl

Dungeon Helper 作者: tomkolp

Required Library: (You must install it separately.)LibMapPinsWhat does it do?- Adds boss pins for group dungeons!- Adds tooltips with tips, strategies, and HM information!This is not a full guide for dungeons! This addon assumes you know the basics of

Dungeon Champions 作者: Scott123

Libraries Needed:LibAddonMenuLibMapPinsCustomCompassPinsThis addon shows bosses in public and standard delve dungeons only, group dungeons aren't added because of the way achievements work on veteran dungeons. In the settings you can enable showing

Cyrotivity 作者: aldericon

A very simply addon that modifies the tool-tips when viewing over keeps, outposts or capturable towns in the Cyrodiil map while in Cyrodiil. It keeps track in your current session (so it doesn't carry over if you crash or log out) when each location was u

Custom Player Pins 作者: QuantumPie

Custom Player Pins allows you to change the map marker for individual players so they can be easily distinguished on a minimap. The addon was created for use in a Dawnbringer (stair) prog. The addon was built off of Votan's Group Pins and a majority of th

CoordsAndHeading 作者: Andre

Displays coordinates of the char and his heading for unique location determination.I use it to make screenshots, which contain beside the What also the Where.slashs:/coh transparent/coh nottransparent/coh lock/coh unlock