
Extra Compass Pins 作者: trollusk

Add several new pin types to the overhead compass, for those of us who play without minimaps. Each pin type can be toggled on or off individually. Each pin type has its own colour which can be set in the configuration menu.Town services:- Stables- Banks

Reset Tp 作者: Eymix

You can choose what trial you want to go to below. To use the addon you can choose to use a keybind or type /rtp to teleport. Disclaimer : it costs the gold !DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0Note for devs : There is a function to get the node id for every tp,

HarvestPins 作者: Hatory

Icon replacer for "HarvestMap" addon.Redesigned 15 icons and the pin's style.For using only with HarvestMap AddOn.

HideHousePreviews (Updated) 作者: Zandar

This addon does the following things:Options to hide preview icons for houses you haven't purchased (or only hide preview icons on the Tamriel map)Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0Shows red question marks for undisvoered/new houses.Toggle displayed (and

World Map Wayshrines Controller 作者: ErianKalil

This addon allows you to control what to display on the Tamriel map.You can:Hide all the wayshrinesShow just the capital's wayshrinesShow or hide Dungeons or TrialsShow or hide owned or unowned HousesShow or hide Wayshrines, Dungeons, Trials and Hou

Elm's Markers 作者: bitrock

Allows you to add, manage, and share custom markers on your 3D world map. Works on every zone!(Requires OdySupportIcons)Adding and Removing Markers--------------------------------------------------------------------------Using /elms place or /elms p will

Fast Travel Spendings 作者: MrPikPik

You always wantd to know, how much gold you spent on fast traveling?With this addon installed, you now know, how much gold you wasted on fast travelling to wayshrines as it counts the amount spent while it is active.Every time you select a wayshrine to

Dungeon Champions 作者: Scott123

Libraries Needed:LibAddonMenuLibMapPinsCustomCompassPinsThis addon shows bosses in public and standard delve dungeons only, group dungeons aren't added because of the way achievements work on veteran dungeons. In the settings you can enable showing