Thanks to the community

I appreciate all the in game bow emotes and thanks. However, so you do not think I am being rude, I only have whisper, group and guild chat enabled. If anyone has tried to say a kind and subtle thank you I didn't see it. You are welcome. If you see me in game on the NA server and wish to say thanks you can whisper me if you like instead. Although I do reload my UI over and over testing changes, so I may not see it. You can try though. Thank you all for using the mod.

I Scry with my little eye...

ScrySpy is a mod I created for tracking Dig Locations similar to how HarvestMap tracks Harvest nodes. If you are satisfied with your elite scrying skills then this is not for you.

ScrySpy collects locations you visit. I have included what locations I found to test with. However, it records and draws the locations you find as you use the mod just like HarvestMap.

If you are like me knowing approximately where I have to go is helpful to me so I thought I'd share.


LibMapPins - LibMapPins
Lib3D - Lib3D
CustomCompassPins - CustomCompassPins
LibAddonMenu - LibAddonMenu
LibMapData - LibMapData

Previously asked...

Q: Can you add something to detect when you have already scryed for something, and then you start scrying again for something different?
A: No. Because there is no Scrying functions. I barely came with with what I have. ZOS doesn't want this automated.

The game does not provide a way for me to get the scrying locations based on the blob on the map, the size of the blob, and all the points within the blob. What I do is the best I can do with what I found from ZOS. So I can not detect the location of multiple blobs on a single map or multiple maps and then draw the pins. In addition to that the pins show from all zones regardless of where you are so that's why they show and hide automatically depending on whether or not you are scrying.


Shinni for his patience while I asked about why pins didn't draw on the map.
Scootworks for helping me learn both LibMapPins and Lib3D. It allowed me to have map pins in 2D and once you are at the Digsite locations a 3D pin.

German translation: Baertram
Russian translation: adjutantt
French translation: ChtiClem
Spade Icon: Zinival
