Initially I wanted to see if all the zone maps in ESO actually align on the world map properly, so I grabbed them and started overlaying them onto the world map. Surprisingly they fit pretty well so I continued and put it into the game itself, and this is the result after some more tweaking!

- All zone maps aligned to the wayshrines on the world map (yes they actually line up!)
- Most city maps have also been added to their respective places
- This replacement map is 16 times the size of the original (8192px² vs 2048px²)
- Since there is so much more detail now, I allowed you to zoom in more than double than before on the world view
- I patched some empty areas with nearby patches which makes the map look even better
- Toggle the map on and off at any time with /highresworldmap (only requires you to zoom in and out once to refresh)

Preview the entire map: Image hosted on Discord

This should be compatible with any addon as it only adds textures and function hooks to display those textures. Please imform me about any incompatibilities if you encounter any.
This addon is not compatible with Accurate World Map!

- I've not added all cities yet
- I know there are a lot of unfinished looking areas
- Some zones overlap a bit with their neighbours, so I blended them at their edges as best as possible
- If you are updating from a previous version, I recommend completely reinstalling the addon to minimize the load on the game since this is using rather large textures

If there is a new zone on PTS and this addon is updated to it, you can also display the new zone on live server by running "/showmapspoilers" ingame or changing the "spoilers" variable to true in the HighResWorldMap.lua, if you wish to have the change to be active permanently.
