Required Libraries:
  • Clickable area names on map to navigate from map to map.
  • Passes (foot or mountback) between areas are indicated with a ][ icon.
  • Portals between Tamriel and outside Tamriel.
  • A few missing lifts
  • Usable [TO PORT] (discovered and from another wayshrine) Eyevea and The Earth Forge wayshrines on their respective maps.
  • Abbreviated keep names in Cyrodiil (toggleable, on by default)
  • Map fading, Map desaturation, zone name above the map (see the options section below)

QuickMapNav displays the names of the surrounding areas which helps to figure out Tamriel's geography, these names are clickable and help you to navigate from map to map.
Enjoy & have fun.

QuickMapNav affiche les noms des zones voisines vous aidant à mieux vous repérer géographiquement dans Tamriel, de plus, ces noms sont cllquables, vous permettant d'afficher ces cartes.
Bon amusement !

QuickMapNav zeigt die Namen der umliegenden Gebiete an, um Tamriels Geografie herauszufinden. Diese Namen sind anklickbar und helfen Ihnen, von Karte zu Karte zu navigieren.
Viel Spaß dabei!

QuickMapNav отображает названия соседних карт, помогая вам лучше определить географическое положение в Тамриэле, кроме того, эти названия кликабельны, что позволяет отображать эти карты.
чувствуйте себя как дома.

QuickMapNav muestra los nombres de las áreas circundantes, lo que ayuda a descubrir la geografía de Tamriel, se puede hacer clic en estos nombres y lo ayudan a navegar de un mapa a otro.
Disfruta y diviértete.

- Default top left zone name & time display (mostly for PerfectPixel users ) [accountwide & off by default]
- Map fading (formerly "less flashy map"): Slightly fade the map to black to please your eyes at night [Game default setting is 100, addon default setting is 87]

- Map desaturation : Desaturate the colors on the map [Game default setting is 0, addon default setting is 20]
- Force 24h format & seconds on the map clock
- Abbreviated keep names in Cyrodiil (toggleable, on by default)

I have to optimise the vertical text (and sometimes the positioning) for every language, if there is a problem with the vertical text display with the unofficially supported language you use for the game just write it in the comment section and include a link to the AddOn you use to play with that language then I'll see what I can do.
