Accurate World Map



Accurate World Map (AWM) is the culmination of a months-long endeavour to totally recreate ESO's world map - remastering it in 8k(!) as well as fixing various lore issues, to improve the map's overall quality. It is seamlessly functional with vanilla, and adds new QoL features which are customisable in the addon's settings panel.


AWM overhauls the world map. Upon install, all zones, dungeons, wayshrines, etc will be physically (not just visually) moved to their lore-accurate locations on the map, this is as intended. AWM is therefore incompatible with any mods that rely on the vanilla locations of these items. If you experience addon incompatibilities, please post them here first, as it is likely an AWM issue. A full list of known conflicts can be found towards the bottom of this page.


Please DO NOT install or update AWM while the game is still running! ESO only loads textures when the game has been launched from scratch, if you install or update while the game is still running, AWM's textures will not be loaded and thus the addon will not work!

  • Remastered, 8k vanilla-style map
  • Lore friendly overhaul of the map in line with previous games
  • Zones and dungeons moved to their lore accurate places
  • Lore accurate renames of zones and places
  • Customise how wayshrines appear on the world map
  • Gamepad support
  • Other minor QoL features

Why did we make this?

To be very frank - ESO's map sucks. The map is low quality, and not lore accurate. It being incorrect lore-wise was even admitted to by the then-loremaster, Lawrence Schick, in an interview.

The map's inaccuracies has been a huge point of contention within the community ever since the launch of the game, and ZOS has never fixed it. We decided that, since ZOS has been taking inspiration from community addons lately (such as skyshards on the map, adding ability timers, and a buff tracker), now would be the best time to create an addon that addresses the biggest map-shaped elephant in the room.

Bulleted below are a few things the map got wrong, many more things have been fixed and addressed, so for a full list of changes, see the changes section at the bottom of the page.

  • Eastmarch and The Rift are too far east and impede on the Velothis arm of Morrowind and where the city of Blacklight is supposed to be.
  • Because of the above inaccuracy, Vvardenfell is too small and too far east, and the Telvanni peninsula is awkwardly shoved to the side to make room.
  • Shadowfen is supposed to be in Black Marsh, but for whatever reason has been moved north into Morrowind, totally ignoring the territory House Hlaalu and House Dres are supposed to own.
  • Cyrodiil is improperly placed, not the right size, and not the right shape.
  • Cyrodiil's Niben Bay and Niben River are not visible on the map.
  • Craglorn is improperly placed, not the right size, and not the right shape.
  • High Rock sticks out too far northwest.
  • Hew's Bane is too far west.
  • The Summerset Isles are spread too far apart, and are supposed to hug each other tightly.

A comparison between our 8k map and the vanilla map

The Map Itself

Our map has been fully recreated by Vylaera (the author of this text), and coded by an absolute genius, Thal-J, using no pre-existing vanilla map assets. The map is 8k(!) in resolution, as opposed to the low resolution and blurry 2k resolution vanilla map.
  • All zones are on the map and functional just like in vanilla.
  • Wayshrines have been moved to their proper locations for zones which got moved around, and new blob textures (the texture that makes zones glow when the cursor is over them) have been created to match the new resolution of the map and the outlines of the zones.
  • Descriptive lore text has been optionally implemented underneath the names of the zones for those of you who enjoy TES's in-depth lore.
  • Finally, a few zones and wayshrines have been renamed to be lore-accurate, such as Northern Elsweyr, which was renamed to Ne-Quin-Al Desert, since that's the region where the zones actually resides. Southern Elsweyr was renamed to match, now called Quin-Rawl, as the Quin-Rawl Peninsula is where the zones is set. Additionally, a few wayshrines have been renamed, one of them was to fix a spelling error missed in vanilla, and both of the Daggerfall Covenant Cyrodiil Wayshrines have been renamed, since Cyrodiil definitely doesn't border High Rock, and it makes absolutely no sense those wayshrines would be suffixed with " - High Rock Gate"


This section lists the large number of changes between the vanilla map and this mod. Expand the spoiler to read them all if you're interested.

Warning: Spoiler

Compatibility & Known Issues

Any addon that alters the world map in any meaningful way, or adds pins to the world map in vanilla locations are not compatible with this addon, as Accurate World Map moves zones and pins from their vanilla locations to be more accurate with the real shape of Tamriel.

Addon Incompatibilities

The following addons have been tested to be incompatible with AWM:
  • Votan's Tamriel Map
  • Quest Map
  • Highly Detailed World Map
  • Lorebooks
  • EasyTravel (Investigating)
Votan's Tamriel Map alters the world map similar to how AWM does, its zone labels and recoloured hover effects don't show up correctly, and only when you scroll in/out over the zone.

Accurate World Map also overwrites Highly Detailed World Map, so none of its changes will be visible.

Lorebooks relies on the global Tamriel map's positioning for its books, which AWM alters, so installing it with AWM will have issues such as books appearing in the ocean.

Minor Incompatibilities

The following addons have minor incompatibilities with AWM, but otherwise work fine:

  • MapPins (Some pins may be in the wrong place, or inconsistently named, but otherwise works)
  • Destinations (Same as above)
Works Great With

AWM has been tested to work great with the following addons:

  • True Exploration (AWM has been patched for this addon)
  • Votan's Improved Locations (Latest version has been patched to work with AWM)
  • DarkUI (AWM has been patched for this addon)
  • GuildShrines (Latest version has been patched to work with AWM)
Known Issues

We have a few issues to iron out still. here is a compendium of the known issues. New issues reported will be added to this list as people report them.

  • Occasionally on gamepad, blobs may disappear briefly after you alt-tab. Opening your inventory and waiting a few seconds will fix the issue. Alt tabbing and tabbing back in my also fix the issue.
  • English only for now. (No localisation support) You can turn off the forced English names by unticking "Lore Accurate Names" in the settings.
  • On gamepad, clicking out a level from the Eltheric Ocean will take you to Reaper's March.

Easy Mode:

First, make sure the game is closed. Then, search for "Accurate World Map" in the ESO addon app, Minion, and install it from there. Remember to also install the required libraries at the top of this page. Once that's done, you can launch the game.


Make sure the game is closed and not running (important!), then download the file from this page, extract its contents, and paste the main folder, titled "AccurateWorldMap", in

Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns
If you are downloading from the Nexus, for whatever reason, they decided to put a bunch of numbers in the folder name, so you will need to rename the folder to only say "AccurateWorldMap".

It should look like this in your folder:

If you haven't done so already, make sure to download the requires libraries at the top of this post, then, launch the game.

To uninstall, go into game, disable the addon, and delete the folder you pasted in your addons folder.

Made By

Thanks To
  • TPC9000, Votan, Sir Insidiator, Sharlikan, Baertram, IsJustAGhost and the rest of the ESOUI addon community for their coding help.
  • The authors of Highly Detailed World Map (MrPikPik), uespLog (daveh), GuildShrines (Valve) and World Map Wayshrines Controller (ErianKalil) for inspiration.
  • Everyone who's followed this project and encouraged us along the way.
  • We also appreciate the feedback and bug reports you've been giving us.

In Closing

We hope this addon serves you well in your game and we hope Zenimax sees this addon and takes inspiration to make ESO even better. Everyone who cares about this franchise would love it if they did.

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