
ODT 作者: black dragon

Initialement développé pour les officiers de la guilde "Orbe du Temps" cet addon a évolué pour apporter certaines fonctionnalités :• Serment des indomptables (pledges) sur un simple clic• Horloge• Chronomètre• Performances• Statistiques in

Jukebox - Menu Music Randomizer 作者: MrPikPik

With the new option to select what music to play in the main menu, I thought it would be cool, if it would shuffle trough the title themes automatically.This addon will allow you to make a playlist of menu themes you want to play and set some basic rules

LanguageSwitcher 作者: m00nyONE

Just a simple LanguageSwitcher because i always forget the command to switch languages ingameusage:/language -> prints all available languages in chat/language REGION_CODE -> uses a language for the ui and reloadsthats it. nothing more

NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы

SetCollectionColoredLibrary 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededColors all categories in the library depending on their completeness.This is a standalone version, but it is also fully included in: tim99s ColoredLists(combination of colored lorebooks, set collection, achievements, codex a.

ESO Complications 作者: graytonio

A simple WIP addon that adds small UI elements to the bottom of the screen to show different metrics.

DynamicTitleFlex 作者: Complicative

Description:Always wanted for everyone in your instance to see, that you have cleared it and even got the trifecta, but changing your title manually is too bothersome?DynamicTitleFlex automatically changes your title, whenever you enter a dungeon, trial

Dual Dungeon Finder 作者: notnear

Dependencies:LibSlashCommanderWhat does it do?Dual Dungeon Finder adds a chat command that will open the gamepad version of the Activity Finder, where you can queue both Normal and Veteran random dungeons.Dual Dungeon Finder commands:" /ddf " or " /du