
CovetousCountess ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons CovetousCountess - Abah's Watch farming helper by Shinni.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.So Original Addons already supported English, French, German. and Now Simplified Chinese are added.此插件是為了

Dark Brotherhood Spree ZH 作者: NeiL978

Original Addons Dark Brotherhood Spree by Chazwazer.This is just update zh language for Simplified Chinese Client.Only English and Simplified Chinese are supported.此插件是為了方便在黑暗兄弟會的標記之書中過濾掉其他非殺戮盛

DynamicTitleFlex 作者: Complicative

Description:Always wanted for everyone in your instance to see, that you have cleared it and even got the trifecta, but changing your title manually is too bothersome?DynamicTitleFlex automatically changes your title, whenever you enter a dungeon, trial

tralce's Vanity Keybinds - Costumes, Po... 作者: tralce

Ever wanted to swap Costumes, Polymorphs, Mounts, Pets, or more on the fly? Now you can!Questions? Comments? Donations? Hit me up in-game! @tralce, PC/NA. Hint: I really like treasure maps.When you unlock a collectible, you must /reloadui or re-log befor

NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы

SetCollectionColoredLibrary 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededColors all categories in the library depending on their completeness.This is a standalone version, but it is also fully included in: tim99s ColoredLists(combination of colored lorebooks, set collection, achievements, codex a.

What's Left? 作者: Complicative

Description:Having difficulties remembering where left and right is in high chaos moments?What's Left? gives you up to 4 customisable labels. You can change their placement, text and colour.Features:- Displays up to 4 labels. The following properties can

ESO Complications 作者: graytonio

A simple WIP addon that adds small UI elements to the bottom of the screen to show different metrics.

FCO Accessibility 作者: Baertram

FCO AccessibilityThis addon depends on the following libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibAddonMenu Sound Slider WidgetLibGPSThis addon was created for (slightly) blind players and aims to use the accessibility mode of ESO, like the chat reader, to provide infor

IsJusta Utility Radial Menu Combat Safety. 作者: IsJustaGhost

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeThis is just a simple addon that prevents cycling through the categories of the Utility Wheel while in combat.It does not change any other functionality. When Quickslot radial menu is showing, while in comba