
Translate 作者: Jeniksoft

Translate addon translate conversation text, books, letters, and game speech in ESO by opening browser using Google Translate to any language you must only one time specify country code and text is filled by addon you simply see the translation in the bro

MyDung 作者: awfuldead

Easy and convenient tracking of Undaunted daily, dungeon achievements and dungeon quests

Collectible Toggler 作者: MrPikPik

Allows binding specific collectibles for easy toggle or use to a few chat commands.Available commands:/pet - Toggles the specified pet./dress or /custume - Toggles the specified costume/dress./mount - Toggles the specified mount (Only the mount its

Christmas Bongo cat 作者: Emma

The christmas bongo cat addon is a small addon that displays an animated bongo cat with a christmas hat on screen. It is movable to wherever you would like it to be.Get into christmas spirit with bongo cat!Planned for future updatesTo add a way to paus

Blood & Treasure 作者: XLS

This Add-On helps with both Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild repeatable quests, by reducing them only to their Sprees (DB Spree and TG Laundering).When you press the Interact button (E by default), it will open normal window but with only "Goodbye" opt

Masquerade 作者: Werewolf Finds Dragon