
Random Mount 作者: joshfong

Drawing from my previous addon (Random Vanity Pet), this one picks a random mount from your collection. You can set the addon to pick a random mount on every login or at every load screen, OR you can use the "/randommount" command to do it on demand!

Champion Point Respec 作者: iRogue32

This addon allows you to save your current CP allocation in order to easily switch between different CP allocations. This is all done through a simple and easy to use UI.Make sure you bind a key in the Controls in order to open the UI.If you run into an

Simple Slash Command 作者: ShadowMau

A simple example of how to add slash commands to an addon. This is more for my own personal use as a reference and practice for uploading future addons.Use: /st - display a simple test message/st2 text - display a simple test message with the parameter

Light, Please! 作者: Kenza

What is this?A simple addon that adds keybinds for Mementos that can be used to provide light!!There is no addon settings menu, it's just keybinds found in the normal keybinds settings menu, under the "Mementos" category.(You must obtain the mementos in

ShapeShifter 作者: voidbiscuit

Basic Addon for flipping between Mounts, Skins, Pets and Titles.It still needs a lot of work! /ssdebug - Debug/ssskin - Randomise skin upon unblocking/ssmount - Randomise mount on dismount/sspet - Randomise pet on dismount/sstitle - Flip titles upon

DragonNextLocation 作者: bulton-fr

To know the position at which an Elsweyr dragon will landDependencies :LibMapPinsLibWorldEventsCurrent Features :Display an icon at the landing positionFAQ :Why I not see any icon ?The addon know the landing position only if you are on the map i