
EasyCombatTextToggle 作者: carpenteer

Toggle your "Floating Combat Text" setting on/off with the press of a configurable key, or by using the /ecct command.Another quick one for personal use that I figured I would share.Simple, lightweight, and functional - what more could you want?1.0.3 -

ExoYs Mundus Reminder 作者: ExoY

With this Addon, you never use the wrong mundus stone, as it provides a simple reminder of your current mundus stone at various situations. Sadly you still have to go change your Mundus manually.This is especially helpful, when a character is used for d

Masquerade 作者: Werewolf Finds Dragon

Remove Potion Sound 作者: Eymix

Just an addon to remove the annoying sound and text when you use a potion too early

StopIt! 作者: Bazgrim

Random Vanity Pet 作者: joshfong

Too many vanity pets and not sure which to use? Let this addon pick a random one for you!Find any bugs or want something tweaked? Want to contribute a translation? Contact me in-game (@joshfong, PC-NA) or message me on this site.