
AutoRidingTraining 作者: Myzael

DescriptionAutomatically trains riding skills when talking to a stablemaster.The default priority for maxing out the skills is:speedcapacitystaminaDid this in order to save a bit of my time while training riding skills of all my 8 alts.Supported

HideLoginAnnouncement 作者: anathemort

Simply hides the marketing announcement that pops up when you first login (as of ESO: Summerset). If you want to view the announcements afterwards, you can still open the popup via Game Menu > Announcements.Please file any issues in the comments here!

EsoKRLite 作者: whya5448

lite version on EsoKRincluded only chat function for en, jp

No Pickpocket Ding 作者: Tactitocalon

Stops the ding sound when you have a pickpocketing bonus to stop Shockbunny's dog from going nuts.See: https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/7n4cp5/pickpocket_sound_effect_dog_goes_nuts_anything_i/