Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!

This is a changed, updated, and fixed version of the addon Notebooks by Glen348 that is now outdated. There is only one notebook now, instead of three. I personally use Shift+F or F1 to display the notebook (KeyBindings -> User Interface -> Notebook.) /nb will also display it. And /nbs will display the settings menu.

New Japanese translation:

  • Backup your notes outside of the game! You can copy & paste them anywhere, like a .txt file or your Google Docs, or...

  • Back up your data file by copying it or with Google Drive Sync at:
    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\Notebook2018.lua

  • Before changing your character's name, back up its Notebook. [I haven't tested this myself, so please post in the comments if a name-change loses its Notebook or not.] (Shouldn't affect the Account-Wide Notebook.)

  • After writing meaningful changes to your Notebook, you must use /reloadui (in the chat) to immediately save them to file! Otherwise, there is a risk that a game-crash will lose all those changes.

This fork changes the following:
  • Fixed positioning of elements.

  • Fixed a bug with page options displaying incorrectly for new pages.

  • Improved default settings.

  • Using Escape now closes the notebook (as part of SCENE_MANAGER.)

  • Fixed and changed when confirmation dialogues appear. (Deleting will always request confirmation!)

  • Double clicking a word will only select that word. Please use Ctrl+A to select the whole page. (This can be changed in Settings.)

  • Fixed the Title and Page from showing and allowing writing, when there is no page selected.

  • The button in chat is now positioned better, and its position can be offset within limit.

  • The settings menu is now organized by categories.

  • Max characters per page is 1,900.
    NOTE: Unicode characters take extra space! And up to 3,000 characters can be displayed for editing purposes.

  • The Undo button has been removed. (Selecting any page will undo your changes.)

  • The info icon has been updated.

  • Fixed a visual issue with the z-index of page selection buttons.

And adds the following:
  • New Page Title now defaults to current time and date (or "New Page" if that fails.)

  • Page moving Up / Down buttons for sorting pages easily.

  • Text Formatting display mode that shows colors, images, and more. It's on by default when not editing the text.

  • An option in Settings for when Edit Mode is entered and exited (default is Clicking.)

  • An option in Settings to select a default New Page Title.

  • An Account-Wide mode that uses the same Notebook for all characters in your account. Its pages & settings are separate and do not affect the characters' pages & settings.
    NOTE: Each character has to activate it for itself.

  • An option in Settings to overwrite the Account-Wide Notebook with data from the current character's pages & settings.

  • An option in Settings to disable /read and /idle when opening and closing the Notebook.

  • An option in Settings for Line Selection with Tripleclick (Doubleclick+1).
    BUG: Doesn't work correctly with UTF/Unicode characters and some texts. Unfixable.

  • An option in Settings to change Text Selection highlight color.

  • Scrolling control (and fix) for Formatted and Edit Text modes.

  • An option in Settings to toggle Formatted Text Mode (colors, images) as an override (if you just want it off.)

  • An option in Settings to change the text color in the Notebook.

  • When editing a page, a character counter will display at the bottom-right.

  • An option in Settings to overwrite another account's Account-Wide or another character's Character-Wide Notebook (same account or another) on the same PC.
    WARNING: It is strongly recommended that you back up your notes before committing any overwrites. (Please report if this is working for you.)

  • A right-click menu to page selection.

  • A Send as Mail menu option that opens your Mail Send dialog, puts the page's title as the mail subject, and the page's content as the mail body. NOTE: Page title max-length has been set to match mail subject max-length. And the recipient field will not be changed in your mail.

  • Dividers between pages. To create a divider, just change a page's title to "---" (3 dashes) and when you save the page it will show. (The divider is also still a page, so it can have content.)

  • The Notebook will always load into the last selected page (even after logout.)

  • A Copy from Mail menu option that copies the subject and body of your currently selected mail item in your inbox, into the open page's title and text. NOTE: This does not also save the page for you. Option only available when right-clicking the current page.

  • An option in Settings to set the book's texture (style) between: Paper, Rubbing, and Skin.

  • An option in Settings to display the Notebook over other UI elements, to assist with taking notes, such as during quest dialogues. NOTE: Enabled by default.

  • A Copy Random Line page menu option that copies a random line from the page into the chatbox. NOTE: Will not pick the same line twice.

  • An option in Settings to make chat-links clickable inside the Notebook. NOTE: Enabled by default.

  • A Toggle Markup text menu option that toggles the new official Text Formatting (colors, images) mode. NOTE: My old method that allowed this is now hopefully redundant, and is disabled entirely.

  • Added a Russian translation. Thanks to user GJSmoker for improving it!

Originally Posted by Glen348 (with edits)
Virtual Notebook to keep track of everything you want to remember!
...allows you to create as many pages as you wish to write down.

• Change Title of Notebook
• Lockable/Draggable window
• Scrollable editbox
• Delete pages you don't need
• Undo changes (goes back to last saved)
• Optional confirmation upon New, Delete, Undo, and Save & option to turn them off.
• Chat window button for easy toggle and adjustable.
• Color tinting of the notebook cover & chat button.

• /nb toggles the window on/off (or bind a key.)
• /nbs displays the settings.

English = Default
German = Thanks to Corbie & Rhadek
French = Google Translate

Special Thanks To:
Seerah, for the base coding.
Circonian, for help with problem solving.

And here's all the extra special symbols I found that work in-game, a la notebook / chat.

РÞр®ГгŠšТт∪ЦÙÚÛÜцüú ù û


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