From notnear:

I have been using this addon for a good while and since it wasn't getting updated I contacted the admins who added me to the team to share my updated version! I don't plan on adding new features but will be maintaining it updated for new content.

Note: Bastion Nymics can be completed 4 times if you get shared quests with different id's from yours (aka different entrance portal/"Edifice") but as this addon relies on completed quest name it will show as complete after you deliver a quest and the NPC doesn't have a new one for you!

Update from g4m3r7ag

I have been posting updates to this addon in the comments of this addon, as well as the patch that DarkPhalanx had posted. Admins graciously added me as a TeamMember on this addon so I can post the updates here, so Minion will work again.

In addition to the zones that DarkPhalanx added with his patch, I have added The Deadlands and High Isle, as well as updated all of the quests to use the new API functions as opposed to LibMultiLingualName. There are still some functions that use it so it is still a new dependency.

I condensed the Upper/Lower Craglorn quests into a Group PvE type under just "Craglorn"

I condensed the Murkmire/Elsweyr Prologue quests into a Prologue quest type under their respective zones

This allowed increased vertical spacing between the individual quests to allow for longer quest names

A 20-hour timer was also added for the Shadowy Supplier Dark Brotherhood passive.

Lib-AddonMenu 2.0

----------Original Description Below-------------

Get a quick and easy overview of all the daily quests you care about, across all your characters.

Tracks which daily quests you've completed today, and which ones you're still eligible for. Also gives you a timer to show when quests reset. Find out what today's pledges are. See which alts still need to do crafting. Or which Summerset World Boss quests you're still eligible to have shared. Or just to be a daily completionist.

Includes support for the following daily quests:
  • Undaunted Pledges
  • Crafting
  • Daily Random Dungeon
  • Daily Random Battlegrounds
  • Mount Training
  • Morrowind
  • Summerset
  • Clockwork City
  • Thieves Guild
  • Dark Brotherhood
  • Wrothgar
  • Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, and Undaunted Delve
  • Murkmire Prequel (Cyrodilic Collections)
  • Murkmire
  • Elsweyr Prologue
  • Elsweyr

To use, first set a keybinding to show/hide the window under the Controls menu. If you have multiple characters, I recommend Votan's Keybinder addon to set the keybinding once for all your characters. You can also toggle the window by using the command /dqt in chat. Then in your addon settings, turn on the quests you want to track.

Note: not compatible with the addon "Daily Quest Tracker". Please disable or uninstall that before enabling this one. It can create a large file in your saved variables folder, which can crash your game.

Lib-AddonMenu 2.0

Limitations and Known Issues
  • Might not work correctly on Mac. I don't have one to test on. If you see an incorrect "time until reset", quests sometimes might not be checked off correctly when completed.
  • "Too many anchors processed": This is a limitation of ESO. Try disabling any addons you don't need, and turn off off displaying any daily quests you don't care about.
  • It will only track quests you picked up after you installed the addon.
  • The addon currently does not distinguish between a quest you picked up, and one that someone shared with you.
  • You must exit battlegrounds before it will record it. Don't log off directly from the battlegrounds.
  • If you pick up a quest one day, but don't turn it in until the next day, the app will assume you are eligible to do your daily quest still. This is usually true, but in some cases you might get assigned the same daily quest that next day (e.g. same world boss), in which case the game actually won't give you a new daily quest.

  • Arch-kain - French translation
  • Baertram - German translation
  • Siegtime - Japanese translation
  • zelenin - Russian translation, various translation work

If you'd like to contribute, the code is available on github under GPLv3.
