Sponsored by ShadowOFMen from the Tamriel Crown Exchange (for PC/NA, or this link for PC/EU.) Thank you! And check out my other addons!

This addon lets you switch between four mounts quickly, using chat commands or hotkeys. It also lets you activate a random mount.

Chat Commands:
  • /sm - Display the mount selection menu.
  • /sm1 - Activate mount from slot one.
  • /sm2 - ...
  • /sm3 - ...
  • /sm4 - ...
  • /smr - Activate a random mount from all of your unlocked mounts, excluding the currently activated mount.

To select your quick-mounts, type /sm or press Escape -> Settings -> Addons -> ShowMount. Use the dropdown boxes to select a mount for each slot. All slots are optional.

To setup your hotkeys, press Escape and choose Controls. Scroll down until you find ShowMount. There, you can choose which keys will activate each mount slot. (I suggest F5 through F8.)

You can toggle the mount-activation chat commands off, if you prefer to only use hotkeys.

NOTE: New unlocked mounts may show up in the dropdown boxes only after doing /reloadui. (Please tell me if that happens to you.)

NOTE: The game doesn't let addons actually mount the player. Switching mounts will dismount you. Press H to mount after switching mounts.

