by doodlez

Configurable overhaul for gamepad vibration to make it similar to Skyrim. Compatible with all game versions.

Includes new vibrations which can be toggled for:
  • All weapon swings. Different weapon types feel different.
  • Pulling bowstrings and firing. Continuous bow fire feels weaker.
  • Firing of staves. Destruction and Restoration staffs feel different.
  • Blocking, bashing, and shields.
  • All abilities. (Mod could be extended to have specific vibrations for specified abilities if you want to add it)
  • Player sprinting.
  • Mount sprinting.
  • Hitting enemies.
  • Taking hits from enemies. (Strength is affected by amount of health lost proportional to effective max health)

  • Sometimes vibrations will randomly stop, typically when hitting an enemy. This is not an issue with the mod, but rather a bug with the game itself.
  • Sprinting (especially on mounts) is basic and is not synced properly, and doesn't account for speed, being in the air, etc. If only animation events existed. sigh
  • Could be more optimized.
  • Probably some bugs. Be sure to report!

  • My code can be reused, modified, and used in your own projects, however I would like to be credited and notified.
  • Unmodified files can't be redistributed without my permission and some included code may come from other authors so check the files for comments.
  • If you would like to contribute to this mod, please PM me.
