Helps keep track of Event Tickets so you don't miss any.

- Minimal performance impact
- No libraries required (simple installation)

- Reminds you when you need to spend tickets so you don't go over the 12-ticket cap.
- Reminds you if you haven't gotten all your tickets yet the last few hours before reset.

- Automatic Event XP Buff!
Activate it with "/xpbuff on"

- Can give you info, like which tickets you've gotten already for the day, how to get them,
how many are left to get for the event (/evt and /evti)
- Can put info in chat about how to get tickets when event ends, how many tickets are
left to get - to answer questions for people. (/evtc)
- /xpbuff to refresh your buff easily!

*** ***
*** ***
*** 3 hrs earlier on EU; 4 hrs later on NA. ***
*** Last tickets on NA only have a 4-hour window! ***
*** ***
*** Passion's Muse Personality fragments will remain ***
*** available throughout second quarter, because ***
*** there were only 2 events in the first quarter. ***
*** ***
*** Zeal of Zenithar - July 27-Aug. 9, 2023 ***
*** Undaunted - Early Sept., 2023 ***
*** Secrets of the Telvanni - Late Sept., 2023 ***
*** Witches Festival - October, 2023 (probably) ***

Automatic messages:
- at character sign on ** Now with notification if you need to spend tickets!
- when a ticket is acquired
- when tickets are spent at the Impresario.
- when tickets become available again after daily reset.

/evt - View ticket information
/evt help - Shows all chat commands (/evt ? also works)

/xpbuff - Refresh your xp buff (for events that have one)
Note: You still have to eat cake (Anniversary). The others are ok.

/evti - View event information
/evti news - Important news about ticket changes! (When there is any.)
/evti xpbuff - Which events have an xp buff
/evti help - View options for event details
/evti begin - Starting an event
/evti box - How to get more boxes
/evti next - What events are coming up in the future? (/evti upcoming also works)
/evti pet - About the Unstable Morpholith you can buy with Event Tickets
/evti imp - The Impresario, aka Event Merchant, where you spend your Event Tickets
/evti morph - What you can morph your pet into (a personality, a skin, a costume, ...?)
/evti ind - Indrik info
/evti cyc - Indrik cycles, which is not in the help files
/evti <event> - the first three letters of any event name, past, present, or future.

/evt hide - Hide chat messages, except the most important
/evt show - Show all chat messages (reverse /evthide)
/evt ui - Toggles user interface

/evtc - Posts event info to chat line, to answer other player's questions
- Please be sure you are in the correct chat before doing this!
- You have to press ENTER to send the line.

All of the options that are listed for "evti" above, also work for "evtc".

/evtc help - View options for event details (this one does NOT post to chat to send)

The User Interface hides during combat, and in between events.

This addon works for people who play on both NA and EU servers.
(Keeps info separate - tickets are stored, counted, and earned
separately on each server, so the addon treats them as such.)


If your game crashes after you got tickets for the day, the addon will not recognize that you got your daily tickets. (Also if you got them on a different computer.) This is because there is no function provided to tell me that daily tickets have been received - only the moment that they are. And variables are not saved to your hard drive until you reloadui, or sign out.

This fixes itself at daily reset.

Note: If you have any problems with this addon, it's most likely due to
older versions. Try uninstalling it, deleting saved variables, then re-install.
That will guarantee you have the most recent version of addon and
variables, and it should be mostly restored very quickly; entirely restored
after the next daily reset.

If you still have any problems, please contact me! Thank you!

@Kelinmiriel or @KrystlPryzm (2nd account) on both NA and EU,
or you can leave a comment on ESOUI.

To do: Support for other languages, settings, better (optional) warnings.

(auto-hide UI when menus/maps/etc are up.) DONE!! -- FINALLY!!!
