Just a little addon that keeps track of who you hit with mudballs, snowballs, revelry pies, cherry blossoms, and murderous crows. And vice versa, of course.

Tally UI
The UI can be enabled or disabled in the addon settings, or the following commands:
/mudballed shows a tally of your victims, you heathen.
/mudball shows a tally of your attackers.
Use the buttons at the top to toggle including each different memento in the tally, as well as the radio button for session vs all-time tally. A session ends when you quit, logout, or reload.

Both /mudballed and /mudball also take extra arguments to print tallies to chat. Usage: /mudballed <mudball|snowball|pie|blossom|crow> [all|session]
For example: /mudballed pie all will show the people you have pied, all-time. /mudball mudball session will show the people who have mudballed you in this session.
