  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 (which you very likely already have)

  • Should work in english, german, french and russian

  • Shows a small window with the festival quests:
    • red: not done today
    • green: done today
    • orange: active quest in your journal
    • grey: no data yet, first use
    • the icon in front of the quest appears, if you have completed that specific quest-achievment (is it kinda quest-hardmode? ^^)
      --> if you have not done it yet on this char, there will be a really ugly red circle

  • Clicking on a quest, ports you to a location next to it (nearest wayshrine or owned house).
    When you have 2 steps with different locations like stonefalls:
    --> leftclick ports you to davons watch (step 1 & 2),
    --> rightclick to ebonheart (step 3 & 4).
    This is hardcoded and independent of your quest step, so it always ports to the same locations.

  • You can set a hotkey for porting to "Snow Globe Home-outside" (which is basically on Bredas feed) if you own it.
    --> If you don't own it, you port to the inside of user-houses (@Karthrag_Inak on NA, thx for let me/us using it!!) which gives an additional loading screen when you exit, but I still prefer this on my none-globe-owning accounts, because you spawn basically right next to Breda (same as clicking on the house-icon)

  • Fast traveling at wayshrine. You have a option to auto select the destination, when an event quest is active AND tracked (selected one). You get ported to the next quest step location automatically as soon if you interract with a wayshrine. That is for free, so costs no gold.

  • Option to skip all quest-dialoges, even the ones from the on-location quest-step-NPC.
    As emergency fallback: if you start a conversation while pressing SHIFT, it does NOT skip for this dialoge. So for example if you don't wan't to skip at Grahtwood's quest (because you have to pay something) you can press SHIFT before starting the talk, so you can choose another option.

  • You have an option in the settings for Grahtwoods quest: you can choose between "pay", "kill" and "ask me each time".

  • If you would loose tickets, the auto-skipping of text stops and wait for user input (accept anyway or cancel to spent some tickets first. If you have also installed IsJustaEventTicketSaver, it lets him handle the funtionality so your setting in there won't get overwritten.

  • Option to permanent show your amount of tickets in the window (right side bottom)

  • Option to auto-accept follow-up quests from Breda

  • Option to mark the active and tracked quest in yellow

  • Option to destroy the white reward loot (eatable swords...), blue and purple writs, and for each golden runebox

  • The mead-mug icon in the top left corner "glows" if the XP-Buff ran out

  • Clicking on that icon uses the mead mug (no need to slot it to the quickslot wheel any more.)
    --> Addon try to use it automatically, but depends on some restrictions, it can fail (dead, mounted, pvp...)

  • Disables Galthonor, the guy from Reaper's March you normally interact with instead of the chests! As well as one drunken guy in Davon's Watch Cavern-o-fish.
    --> to all you NPCs: give me rewards or get out of my way!!!

  • ** NEW **
    When you have the fish quest and open your bank, it retrieves one of each of them to your inventory (if you have some in your bank)

  • Position, visibility and skip-settings are saved accountwide, visibility can be set via Hotkey or specific ui-scenes.

Slash-Commands (settings transfered to LibAddonMenu, got a bit out of hands):

Prints an overview of all SlashCommands as well as all current setup settings, like a /? Help
(outdated meanwhile, all settings are now in the Addon Menu)

Prints all you journals quests to chat (i used this to figure out the eventquest-names)

Special thx to:
