That's right friends, now you can have a functioning game launcher, with this one simple addition!

Jokes aside, ever since I started playing ESO I've had this problem with the launcher not closing properly, ever. Pressing the X does nothing most of the time, or just makes it invisible, and best not even to mention the tray clutter that is left behind. To close it fully, one needs to go to Task Manager and then close it there, which also leaves a tray icon that you gotta hover over to clear. It's messy and it takes time to do every single time you launch the game.

Now, I've seen that this is an issue that affects only a small minority of players, but the cause is currently unknown and there's no fix for it, as it's a bug that's been here since the dawn of time itself.

So, what's this about? Well, I basically wrote a simple program that closes the launcher anytime ESO is running. That's it. You run the launcher, you run the game, and the launcher closes a few seconds later (or a bit more, depending on how slow your pc is). It removes the launcher fully, no messy icons in tray left, no pain.


How to install?

It's really simple. Just download the provided file and extract it in a separate folder somewhere permanent, like a subfolder in your ESO install location or Documents or wherever it won't get deleted. Then, just run the program once (named "ESO Launcher Closer" with the game logo crossed out icon) and you're good to go!

The program doesn't have any UI elements, so no window will pop up. Furthermore, the program adds itself to startup, so you only need to launch it once for it to work permanently.


How to uninstall?

First of all, why? Second of all, just run the uninstaller and then delete the folder, and the program is as good as gone.


Tech Stuff

Yes, .exe files can pack malware. The source code for this app can be found HERE. If you wish to do so, you can rebuild the app yourself, but you gotta do your own fancy icon smh.

Anyone's also welcome to modify the code as they see fit, it's mainly a composition of a bunch of things anyway.


And if this is useless to you because your launcher actually works properly, share your secrets.
