As requested by @Davaco and a big thanks for helping me test this addon.

This addon counts the number of jumps you perform as a player. It gives three categories: Lifetime, Group and Combat jumps.

Use the following commands to see various stats and whatnot:
  • /jump - Shows the help screen
  • /jumpreset - reset the overall Jumps
  • /jumpstats - display stats
  • /jumptoggle - show/hide the ui
  • /jsg - post group stats in chat
  • /jsc - post combat stats in chat
  • /jsl - post lifetime stats in chat

Lifetime jumps is how many jumps you have performed since installing the addon.

Group jumps is how many jumps you have performed since joining a group.

Combat is how many jumps you have done during the current or last combat.

There may be some slight issues where a jump is missed or if a character walks of a ledge or "bounces" it may count as a jump. Overall it should be fairly accurate when counting jumps.
