PermAlmalexia allows you to run again and automatically some mementos when their effect fades out.


The following mementos are / should be supported for now (I could not test them all):
  • Almalexia's Enchanted Lantern
  • Finvir's Trinket
  • Storm Atronach Aura
  • Floral Swirl Aura
  • Wild Hunt Transform
  • Wild Hunt Leaf-Dance Aura
  • Dwemervamidium Mirage


To start it, just run the memento, and that's it !
You can stop PermAlmalexia by running the memento again before the effect fades out.


NOTE: ANY addon that triggers a memento may start PermAlmalexia loop ! (ie. BeamMeUp - Teleporter). You'll need to stop PermAlmalexia by running any memento again or disable the options that runs the memento on the other addons.

NOTE 2: I just realized than a similar Addons was existing already: Memento Refresh, and it's back to life !
But feel free to ask about some new memento, I'll see how to add them (Yet, only memento with effects can be handled)

NOTE 3: I'm working in a way to handle all mementos, but so far, I'm facing issues with the ones that don't have effects applied to the character. Still fighting with the memento triggers.


THANKS: To the streamer @kasskroot who asked me for this addon.
