You are annoyed to start the log for every trial? If so, then this is the addon for YOU!

- Starts a log every time you enter a trial
- Restarts log after disconnect / reloadui / ...
- Contains a .bat script that automatically archives all yor logs sorted by date

How to use the logArchiver.bat?
- you can find the script here: C:\Users\<YourName>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\Logger\logArchiver.bat
- move the script to your desktop (or any other place... move it there where you want it ^^)
- open the script when you start ESO, it will automatically detect when you start a log and will archive it once the log ends
- you can find all archived logs here: C:\Users\<YourName>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\Logs\esologsarchive
