Unfortunately v9.1.5 broke this AddOn, you will now lose all stacks when you unslot Grim Focus.

Automatically equip Grim Focus on your desired Hotbar in PvE if you don't already have it slotted and while you are below five stacks of the associated damage buff. Once you have five stacks, your original skill will automatically be re-equipped.



When attacking with Grim Focus or any of its morphs you gain a stacking Weapon/Spell Damage buff that will only be removed if you fire the arrow attack, change maps or die. This addon automates the slotting in and out if you just want to use Grim Focus for the stacking buff.

Note that this behavior has been disabled by ZOS in Battlegrounds and Cyrodiil (you lose all of your stacks on leaving combat), as such this addon will not change your skills in these areas of the game.


