
ExecuteNow - Update 作者: PlaceHolder

This Add-On gives you a hint on screen ("Execute!") when your target can be executed.Once you decide on your Execute skill, open up Settings > Addons > ExecuteNow and add the relevant data such as the percentage, when to receive prompts based on ta

EssentialHousingTools RU Patch 作者: alezhu

--RussianОбеспечивает совместимость Essential Housing Tools c русской версией игры в плане маркировки крафтовых станций, для которых есть мастерские за

BugCatcher Updated 作者: Shadowfen

An updated version of Werewolf Finds Dragon's Bugcatcher addon which has had the common embedded libraries removed so it now requires that LibAddonMenu-2.0 be separately installed. It has also been changed to address sirinsidiator's concern about firing

Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition 作者: Gamer1986PAN

Bank Manager Revived - Slim EditionDepends on this Librarys:LibResearchLibAddonMenu2.0Make sure to install this librarys for a working addonThe new Version can be used as Slim and as Full version with the "Global Addon Profile" feature. This is especiall

Auto Category - Revised 作者: Shadowfen

Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibMediaProvider-1.0, and LibDebugLoggerThe following (separately installed) library is recommended (but not required): LibCharKnowledgeAuto Category adds categorie

AUI - Advanced UI Korean Patch 作者: Bihyeon

This addon is Korean language patch for Advanced UI addon.Please leave feedback in case you see awkward translations or errors.If an error occurs, you can report the log that appears on the screen. (e.g. by pressing the Print Screen button on the keyb

AsylumTracker.LangPatch 作者: Maxim_ZG

Адаптированная версия аддона Asylum Tracker оригинал: EN, DE, JP, FR и добавлены: RU и ZH клиенты игры.Заменяет файлы оригинала, русифицировано меню и по

AsylumPT.LangPatch 作者: Lost.Seeker

Патч (русификатор) для аддона Asylum Priority TargetДля работы требуется наличие оригинального APTRU local patchThe original addon was written by Gоrdias

AsylumNotifier.LangPatch 作者: Maxim_ZG

Адаптированная версия аддона AsylumSanctoriumStatusPanel под EN (оригинал), RU и JP клиенты игры.Updated version of Asailum Status Panel addon for EN (original), RU and JP game clients.Перед уста

AIRG-Unof.patch-Fixes 作者: pesakm

New motifs including High Isle motifs.Fixed displaying motif chapters for characters, depends on:https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info3317-LibCharacterKnowledge.htmlFixed displaying motif chapters after High Isle update.Fixed displaying estimate resear