
Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker - Update 作者: DarkPhalanx

This is an update for Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker.I added "all" missing dailies and the use of LibMultilangualName that allows the quest names to be translated to the other languages.Note: I'll update the addon for Blackwood as soon as I can find the q

Wykkyd's Full Immersion (BSK Corp Fix) 作者: BSKCorp

Updated API to Latest Version*Fixed Wrong Upload File*Updated API to Newest Version. Hides UI still, no known issues to try to fix. Life has called but After some free time I was able to test a few things and finally been able to update. Nothing has ch

Kel's-Patchs By The Ancestors ES 作者: ElKel

Esta es la traducción al Castellano del Ad-don: By The Ancestors .Presenta ciertos problemas que se irán puliendo con el tiempo, si encuentra algún problema por favor comuníquemelo. "Este ad-don tiene como objetivo principal indicar la posición