
AIRG-Unof.patch-Fixes38 作者: pesakm

Added motifs:Scribes of MoraBlessed InheritorDead Keeper(also prepared another 2 motifs that not have achievement yet)

ravSpeed (updated) 作者: shira

original addon by rav (discontinued)esoui.com/downloads/info423-ravSpeeddisplays your speed in ups and in % relative to a reference speed. default is 250 ups, the normal run speed in the game/ravspeed x to set a new reference speedrequirements:LAM2

Auto Category - Revised plugin for Resea... 作者: Saenic

A plugin for Auto Category - Revised to support Research Assistant.This adds a new function to AutoCategory called keepresearchassistant() which is only true if the item can be researched by your main crafting character set in ResearchAssistant (e.g. wh

AsylumTracker.LangPatch 作者: Maxim_ZG

Адаптированная версия аддона Asylum Tracker оригинал: EN, DE, JP, FR и добавлены: RU и ZH клиенты игры.Заменяет файлы оригинала, русифицировано меню и по

Updated Assistants for Lui Extended 作者: Nagolite

** As of 4 June 2022, has become unnecessary when ArtOfShred updated Lui Extended past 6.2.9 **LUI Extended (original/core) has been updated! Highly recommend 'uninstalling' this patch and reinstalling the original LUI Extended mod - welcome back ArtOfShr

Mer Torchbug - Fixed and Improved (Varia... 作者: Baertram

This is a patch for Merlight's mer Torchbug inspection tool. Thanks merlight for this great inspector tool!Optional dependencies:If you want to use the context menu functions you need to install this library: LibCustomMenuIf you want to see the "outline