
Auto Category - Revised plugin for Resea... 作者: Saenic

A plugin for Auto Category - Revised to support Research Assistant.This adds a new function to AutoCategory called keepresearchassistant() which is only true if the item can be researched by your main crafting character set in ResearchAssistant (e.g. wh

Joviex's Addon Settings Transfer 作者: Juniiim

Same functionality of original addon with some fixes:*Dropped LibStub;*Fixed the addons settings don't copying when the addon use the char ID for save settings(Just working for chars of your account).

Recount (Renovated) 作者: lwndow

A modernization of the Recount combat modification for The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) OverviewRecount is a damage meter and combat log addon which is still in development.Based on Fayn's work (original Copyright by him)Updated and maintained by McGuff

Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker - Update 作者: DarkPhalanx

This is an update for Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker.I added "all" missing dailies and the use of LibMultilangualName that allows the quest names to be translated to the other languages.Note: I'll update the addon for Blackwood as soon as I can find the q

ExecuteNow - Update 作者: PlaceHolder

This Add-On gives you a hint on screen ("Execute!") when your target can be executed.Once you decide on your Execute skill, open up Settings > Addons > ExecuteNow and add the relevant data such as the percentage, when to receive prompts based on ta

Enchant Maker+ 作者: Fenixs

Русский:Это небольшая доработка аддона Enchant Maker включающая так же фильтр Maggi.Изменения:Смотри Сhange Log. Примечание: При установке поверх ста

pChat - jp Nickname Patch 作者: Marify

これはpChatで日本語ニックネームを追加表示するパッチです。(ギルド名簿のメモ欄から抽出します)必要なアドオン 下記リンクのアドオンが必要です pChat LibMarify LibAddonMenu-2.0(Englis

Added Info - Group Window: Show Ignored... 作者: MrPikPik

Optional patch for Added Info - Group Window.Shows ignored players with the ignored icon in the first column.Compatible with "Added Info - Group Window" version 1.5.1 and newer

AUI - Advanced UI - Greymoor Patch (Outd... 作者: DeadCode

All Credits goes to Baertram and FelipeS11. Only uploading for convenience.This is the addon up-to-date from the original AUI repo, for those who have not uninstalled this addon and re-installed the newest one.