
AI Research Grid - Unofficial update by... 作者: Kationa

Added missing styles to AI Research Grid.Original mod by Assembler Maniac and others.Previous update by anufi.Added styles:-Ancestral Akaviri-House Hexos-True-Sworn-Waking Flame-Ancient Daedric-Black Fin Legion Style-Ivory Brigade Style-Sul-Xan S

EssentialHousingTools RU Patch 作者: alezhu

--RussianОбеспечивает совместимость Essential Housing Tools c русской версией игры в плане маркировки крафтовых станций, для которых есть мастерские за

Combat Reticle (by Aetheron, calia1120)... 作者: skawiaw

update for Combat Reticle.LibAddOnMenu 2.0 now must be installed separately, LibStub dependency removed, so issue with settings fixed.this was mentioned in the comments:Originally Posted by AlienSheppardI think this addon is a must, however:=====

Updated Assistants for Lui Extended 作者: Nagolite

** As of 4 June 2022, has become unnecessary when ArtOfShred updated Lui Extended past 6.2.9 **LUI Extended (original/core) has been updated! Highly recommend 'uninstalling' this patch and reinstalling the original LUI Extended mod - welcome back ArtOfShr

Guild Events Revised (hotfix) 作者: turbo112

this is an improved version of GuildEventsImproved by SiSaSyco.We got his permission to improve the addon and release it here.Main functionality was retained, so you can view the original addon notes here:GuildEventsFunctionality compatible with Guild

BSC-CompanionInfo Extension 作者: DoonerSeraph

Extension for BSC Companion Info, adds features like XP bar for armor and weapon and skill tracking cooldown.

Light Attack Helper 作者: iTzt1meToDie

Thx to @kafeijao for this Addon. I have fixed the addon for the german and english client.---Light Attack Helper is a tool that helps you track your light attacks, it does this by incrementing a counter each time you actually hit a light attack.This ad

Qcell's RGHelper. LangPatch 作者: t.vicson

Language-patch for "Qcell's Rockgrove Helper" (for any version of the original addon). Add support for Bosses's zones notifications (original EN, RU, DE, FR, JP)If you whish add your language then PM me or leave a comment with strings.

TeilzeitLegende's Restock Style Material... 作者: Jakki

Original addon:Restock Style Materials and Auto Repair by: TeilzeitLegendeFixes lua error when entering store that sell style materials.My friend fixed this addon for me and I thought that someone might like to have it while waiting for official fix fr