This is just update API version and a little adjustments to some of the Lib used only for the original Addons DressingRoom by dividee for future Update. Check the 0.6.2 changelog for more detail.
I use this addons for personal use only! feel free to use it if you want.

There are currently three different branches of the Dressing Room family tree.

  • Dressing Room 2015 - This is the version you are looking at right now, with nothing more than API version bumps. On the front-end, this version lacks multi-page support, and on the back-end, this version lacks the more robust skill handling of the newer branches. While it may have a deceptively recent date (due to the frequent version bumps), the code base in this branch is the oldest.
  • Dressing Room 2018 - This is the version formerly known as "Dressing Room Reborn". Skill handling was revamped in this branch and there is support for multiple pages. Recently, in 2022, this branch was updated to save data using character IDs, to avoid the problems arising from renaming characters or characters on multiple servers sharing the same time.
  • Dressing Room for Stonethorn - This is the newest branch and was originally derived from the 2018 branch. Today, it contains most of the improvements in the 2018 branch (minus the most recent character ID improvements), plus a significant number of new features and functionality.


DressingRoom allows you to save your action bars and equipped gear items as unique sets. You can then equip any saved set, including gear and both action bars, with the press of one customizable hotkey.

Its interface is similar to AlphaGear's (AlphaTools).

  • You can change the number of sets available in the interface (by adjusting the number of rows and columns), up to 24 sets. The size of the interface is customizable.
  • By default, sets are named after the type of your equipped weapons, but you can rename them to your liking (delete the name to reset it to default)
  • English, french and german localization
  • Up to 12 hotkeys to equip the saved gear and both action bars (manual weapon swap is mandatory to load both skill bars)
  • Inventory markers for gear that is part of a saved set


Like any other add-on of this kind, it won't work in combat.

Current Bug

Equip same poison in both bars sometimes makes poison only equipped in the front bar only

  • dividee for create this great Addons
  • AlphaLemming for making AlphaTools, on which this add-on is based
  • Nita65 for all her invaluable help with testing, reporting bugs, suggesting features and translation.
  • s0rdrak for kindly reviewing the german translation
