CoordsAndHeading Complete OverHaul!

Whats Changed?

Everything! well in terms of functionality

The only slash command is /coh and everything changeable is inside "Settings(Ingame)" - "Addons" - ""CoordsAndHeading".

y: In order for me to have everything inside the settings addon menu I had to add a library which means you guys
have to make sure you have LibAddonMenu inside your AddOns folder which is usually located \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns

Download Lib Only If Your Don't Have It Already

AddOn Compatibility: I'm sure this works with all versions of eso if not make sure to comment and will look into it

Disclaimer : I converted and rewrote most of the code except for the update method which is what Andre coded. I added
myself as the author of this version which is 1.2 and added Andre as a contributor. To be honest i'm new and not sure how
ownership and contribution works here so if i'm wrong in doing this Andre private message me and we can sort this out.
