This is the SuperStar updated for Necrom version of ESO(101038).
The built-in LibSkillsFactory has been modified to include updated information about the Arcanist, so no need to repeat installations. If you still plan to install LibSkillsFactory please make sure to use the latest version maintained by me

This is a standalone addon, although, it is placed in the Plug-Ins & Patches category, as is the tradition with Superstar

I only did some adaptive work for the addition of the Arcanist, and most of the credit goes to Ayantir, Sigo Dest, Armodeniz and others who creating and maintaining this amazing addon.



Make sure you have activated superstar in your ADD-ONS menu.
To use superstar, type command "/superstar" in your chat window and press ENTER. You can also bind a key to show superstar in your keybindings setting menu.

This is the main page of superstar showing your level, gears, skills, CPs and many important stats.

This is a skill builder that allows you to simulate and save your skill points distribution.

This is the hash window. You can copy your friend's code, paste it to the second edit box, and press "see skills of this build". Then you can see all your friend's skills, and can also save them for future loading.

All your saved skill builds are listed here, and you can load them as you wish.

This page shows the infomation of your active companion.
