Potion Taken Sound Fix & Alerts 作者: Trader08

v1.10 Performance Optimizations UpdateNEW! v1.09-Text-to-chat options that can be read by ESO's Accessibility Narrate Chat settingv1.10- Performance optimizations + Liquid efficiency fix + Accessibility text color optionsYou can always have your say in

Reminderz 作者: Toirealach

Do you die during a trial boss or in PvP just to realize that you forgot to eat or drink your buff food before it ran out?Are you trying to loot corpses but you can't because your inventory is full? *NEW*Are you leveling a new toon and keep forgetting t

Alliance Rank Progress 作者: DustyWarehouse

This addon displays an Alliance Rank progress bar on your UI with alliance icon, rank icon, rank name and the amount of alliance points to go for your next rank.French translation by Skar.Options include: Only show the bar in PvP zonesColour scheme (y

Ayleid Wells 作者: Verling

[EN]The addon shows the location of the Ayleid wells on the location map.Thanks to Odilon for the idea and for the data of wells, Sharlikran[RU]Аддон показывает на карте локаций расположение Айлейдски

Lights of Meridia 作者: Cardinal05

Improve your group's ability to work together as a team in Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil and World zones.* Note that the Light cannot be seen in Dungeons or Trials - a restriction imposed by the game itself.The divine Light of Meridia shines down upon each

Keep Door 作者: Verling

Shows where the doors of the fortresses are located.

FCO GuildCampaign 作者: Baertram

FCO GuildCampaignAddon designed for PvP guilds: Add an icon at your guild rosters (for enabled guilds) showing if your guild members of other alliances are currently in the same campaignId as you are, or not.This addon is still in beta mode so if you fi

SquishyFinder 作者: laurj787

Have you ever attacked an enemy player and have an instant regret, because he is way tankier than you can handle? I had, so that's why I created this addon.This addon shows target current health and max health around the cursor, with color and title depe

Nine Resourcez 作者: Toirealach

Are you tired of taking the 'Capture Any Nine Resources' and 'Capture Any Three Keeps' quests in Cyrodiil and then not remembering which ones you've actually captured thus far?Well, here is the answer to your prayers.'Nine Resourcez' will track when you