tim99s FTSIO 作者: tim99

Dependencies:LibAddonMenu (which you most likely already have)Description:You can setup a hotkey which:ports you to your cyro-main campaign when you are in Imperial-City or in PvE,ports you to Imperial-City when you are in Cyrodiil.Auto accepts

Namez 作者: Toirealach

This addon changes the nameplates of the players that you put your reticle (cursor) on.First, it adds the class icon of the player so that you can see what their class is right after their level or CP.Then it also changes the color of all the text in th

Nine Resourcez 作者: Toirealach

Are you tired of taking the 'Capture Any Nine Resources' and 'Capture Any Three Keeps' quests in Cyrodiil and then not remembering which ones you've actually captured thus far?Well, here is the answer to your prayers.'Nine Resourcez' will track when you

Keep Tracker 作者: kitkathy1994

Required Library:- LibMapPins-1.0Keep tracking keeps with this keep-tracking add-on!Places a green checkmark on any keeps or resources you capture while you have their respective Conquest quests!Now you'll finally be able to tell if you've captured th

CyroDeal Module: CyroLeader - tools for... 作者: marlonbrando

This is a simple tool which keeps track of guild attendance by adding a PVP:<date> tag to the guild roster for every guild member who shows up in Cyrodiil in a PVP raid.Dependencies:CyroDealLibGuildRoster

CyroDeal - A modular interface presentin... 作者: marlonbrando

This addon provides the glue used by other pieces in the CyroDeal family. So, you'll need to download other addons which rely on it to get any real functionality.Currently available modules:CyroLeader - tools for group leadersDependencies:LibChatMessa

Ayleid Wells 作者: Verling

[EN]The addon shows the location of the Ayleid wells on the location map.Thanks to Odilon for the idea and for the data of wells, Sharlikran[RU]Аддон показывает на карте локаций расположение Айлейдски

Reminderz 作者: Toirealach

Do you die during a trial boss or in PvP just to realize that you forgot to eat or drink your buff food before it ran out?Are you trying to loot corpses but you can't because your inventory is full? *NEW*Are you leveling a new toon and keep forgetting t

Better Scoreboard 作者: M0R

This is a small addon that aims to provide a few simple features to the battlegrounds scoreboard.- Shows user and charecter name on a BG scoreboard- Shows player damage and player healing in the BG scoreboard without having to select the player.- Shows

Cyrodiil Score Viewer 作者: tdenc

All alliance scores of all campaigns at a glance Supported campaign dataAlliance scoreServer populationEnd of campaignReward tier (Home campaign only)Underdog score bonus (Home campaign only)Underdog population bonus (Home campaign only)Slash com