Tired of having your group interrupt battle for a request to share 'Kill Enemy Players'? Not sure if your group has the quest you're looking for? Even worse, not sure which kill quests you've done that night? Look no further - Cyrodiil Mission Share is here! This addon is meant to cut down the chatter in your voice speak channels and automate quest requests as much as possible.

For any Kill, Capture or Scroll quest, you can type in a command in group chat to see if anyone in your group has the quest. You don't need the addon to request other players to share their quests, but you do need the addon to be able to automate sharing your quest, so best to make sure everyone in raid is equipped with it.

The addon listens for a chat message that starts with 'cms'. Then, depending on what you write after it, it'll look for other players that have the addon to see if they have that quest. The following are a list of valid command examples:
  • cms kill templars
  • cms capture alessia
  • cms scroll chim
  • cms capture alessia farm
  • cms capture brk
  • cms kill players
  • cms sorcs
  • cms brindle
  • cms mnem
  • cms towns
  • cms 40 players

The examples go on and on. The first one in the list asks the group if anyone has the quest 'Kill Enemy Templars'. The next, if anyone has 'Capture Castle Alessia'. And so on. You can see that the addon also knows many of the nicknames for keeps, like 'brk' for Blue Road Keep, or 'roe' for Roebeck.

There are also a few slash commands that are helpful:
  • /killquests - Lists which kill quests you haven't done yet
  • /sharequest OPTION OPTION - shares the quest with the group
  • /kill OPTION - shortcut of writing 'cms kill OPTION'
  • /capture OPTION OPTION - shortcut of writing 'cms kill OPTION OPTION'
  • /scroll OPTION - shortcut of writing 'cms scroll OPTION'

Whenever you share or auto-accept a quest, a system message will be posted indicating that you did.

The addon's settings allow one to:
- auto-accept the cyrodiil quest that you just requested
-- and auto-accept quests while in PVP combat (so you don't miss out on a keep you're taking)
- auto-share your kill quests are you manually pick them up from the Mission Boards
- auto-share your capture quests are you enter each Keep or Resource
- auto-share your scroll quest as they are picked up by someone in your alliance

The settings menu is also where you go to set what timezone you're in, so it knows when to reset what tracks which kill quests you've done. A manual reset button is provided, if needed, to reset the tracker.

You have any questions or comments, feel free to mail me in-game at '@aldericon'.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0
