Disclaimer: The design of the addon and a good portion of the code is the exact same as CyrHUD. I do not claim I came up with the design myself, merely modified it for a new addon.

Resources have become critical in the Cyrodiil War, and can help you achieve your goal of taking a keep. Each keep has 3 resources, and each resource has a level. The current max level for each resource is 2. Each resource supplies different bonuses to its keep:

Farm - Guards' health, range and abilities
Mine - Keep walls health and how fast it regenerates health
Lumbermill - Keep doors health, how fast they regenerate ; how much defensive siege can be put down

One can see these details by clicking on a keep or a resource while viewing Cyrodiil. Small groups can now affect the war on a greater scale by taking resources and holding them until the level of the resource goes down, affecting its keep. A resource's level goes down in about 5 minutes, but goes up in 10 minutes.

This addon shows any keeps of your alliance that aren't under attack where any of the resources are no longer under your alliance and / or the resource has gone down a level. You can now see with greater detail whether a keep is in danger of being attacked.

The timer in the top-left of the addon can be toggled off / on with the '/kstoggletimer' command.

Dependencies: None
