If you have watched the content of some PvP streamers (ala Dr. Ganknstein), you will see a colourful display of their Kills, Deaths, Killing Blows and Alliance Points in the upper right side of their screen. And you will also see their killing blows & deaths announced on screen for them and you to see.

That's Killz.

But it does even more.

If you PvP, you might know Kill Counter. Killz also counts PvP kills, deaths and killing blows too, but it shows them to you in a better, more attractive way.

And in addition to keeping track of your PvP stats for that PvP session, if you click on the castle icon to the left of the "K" of your Kill count, it brings up the Killz PvP statistics window.

In that window you can see all your opponent stats: who you killed, who killed you and who you personally landed the killing blow on, for your current PvP session. You can sort the table by Kills, Deaths, Killing Blows, or their name or even by class.

Clicking on a name will also tell you as much as Killz knows about that toon, including the account holder name of that toon, its class, CP level, Alliance Rank, Faction, etc.

Besides opponents, you can also see overall stats for your PvP session. Like how many of each class you killed and died to. How many of each alliance you killed and died to. How many different toons you've killed overall. How many you died to overall. Your longest Kill, death and killing blow streaks and even how many different overall people you faced.

Killz even keeps track of the one toon you've killed the most and the one to whom you've died the most.

Killz also has an abilities table so you can see what abilities your toons use to kill the most and what they die to the most.

And while Killz keeps all of these stats for your current session, you can also view your lifetime stats for each area of PvP stats.

And if you're an old time Kill Counter user?

Killz will even import all of your PvP historical stats from that addon. But because Kill Counter only kept track of abilities you killed with, not abilities you died to, the died to stats will be much less than killed using stats.

There is even a combat log built into Killz which will display (in a "Killz" chat tab) all of your combat, blow by blow.

BTW: If the chat tab doesn't show up for you, just create one called "Killz" manually and let me know. This is an issue I'm trying to track down.

Killz even supports a number of slash commands in the chat window to let you share your PvP stats with friends.

You can share your latest killing blow with your friends by typing "/kb".

You can share your stats by typing '/kzreport'.

You can type "/killz" to see other slash commands.

And there are settings to turn all features on and off as well as change the colours of the on screen announcements.

Finally if you want to do a German, French, Spanish, Russian or Japanese translation of Killz, please let me know. I'd be happy to let you help localize it into a language you speak natively.

This addon has taken me a while to make & I hope you all enjoy it.

--Teebow Ganx
PC NA: Lords Of The Shaft

PS: When viewing lifetime stats, if someone alliance switched a toon to another alliance, you will see them in the colour of their current alliance, which could be the same as yours even though you killed them in the past.

REQUIRED LIBRARIES (which you need to also install):

