What it does
Displays killing blows, death count, who *you* have resurrected and a recap of all attacks before a person died.

  • Access by typing /riprecap or use Keybinding or click [RECAP] in the RipFilter tab
  • Live recap for any person (keep clicking > on recap to get to live)
  • Resizable recap, (full mode and compact mode, expand recap to max width AND height to see full)
  • Player selection
  • Options to increase amount of attacks to remember and to merge/no merge attacks

Unknown Deaths
  • Now outputs a message when a person died far away. e.g. portals in cloudrest or in another zone (it will show as Unknown)

Shortcuts: (see ingame ripfilter options for a copy of these commands)
  • /rip Killing Blow Count
  • /ripr Resurrections Count (only shows who you resurrected and how many times)
  • /ripd Death Count
  • /ripmenu Shortcut to menu
  • /ripreset Resets all counts
  • /riprecap Show/Hide Recap Screen

  • Rip Filter Tab Output all information to a separate box
  • vTrial Autoreset Counts So you dont need to reloadui/reset when you restart a vet trial only
  • Colours Player and Group member text colours
  • Nameplates Choose better more visible fonts from the "misc" category

  • Available for displaying and resetting counts

Thanks/Big Ups
kilnerdyne (Late Night Dungeoneers) for the idea/getting started with this, PVP Zergs, Late Night Dungeoneer Training Runs, wambo, michellexred, wrothgar daily boss aaand anyone else on EU ESO who I randomly grouped with and killed myself to test this addon
