This is a completed renovated addon derived from Plintkabouter's Noob Filter with a neutral name.

In short, it's a death counter that produce reports for the deaths occurred in your group.

Key feature:
  • New 2.1 Options to ignore character name, auto player prefix for role and condition to auto reset reports
  • 2.0 Supports report history. Addon will save 10 history records for both total report and interim report. Can be called using new key bindings and command: /printint list or /printtot list
  • 2.0 Added trial support, addon can auto reset report upon trial start and complete, also will includes trial score and duration in final report. *NOTE, only works for veteran trial, as normal one doesn't have a score.
  • 2.0 Auto generate report title using location name/trial name, and time
  • 2.0 Added addon menu with a few options, including option for disable long/short version of reports and special handling for trials.
  • Support for short and long version of report. Short version using player name only, goes to chat window, long version will popup a dialog box with format of charactor name@account name, allow you to copy it to your clipboard.
  • Auto add player's role as prefix. Like healer will have (H) before his/her name, and tank will have (T).
  • Save death count in saved variables, data will still be there after reloadui and even after login to other character. Make sure you reset it if you want to start fresh.
  • Report all players in the group, including ones with zero death. Good for event organizer to see who participated in the event.
  • Auto reset intermediate death counter after 3 hours no death, and total death counter after 5 hours no death
  • Original feature from Plintkabouter, can use /prefix command to add player's prefix.

Supported slash command and key bindings:

1. Below 4 function supports both slash command and key binding
/printint: Produce reports for the intermediate death count since the last intermediate reset. Option "list" for history reports
/resetint: Resets the intermediate death count. Option "no" for not saving history
/printtot: Produce reports for total death count since the last total reset. Option "list" for history reports
/resettot: Resets the intermediate and total death count. Option "no" for not saving history
2. Followings are slash command only
/prefix <Player>,<Prefix>: Gives/Overwrites the prefix <Prefix> for player <Player> in print command.
/prefix <Player>: Removes any saved prefix from <Player>
/resetprefix: Removes all previously saved prefixes
