This addon was created to provide preemptive warnings for many of the mechanics in vAS +2


Currently the addon includes user-provided translations in German, French, and Japanese for both the notifications and for the settings configuration menu. The language will be selected based on your in-game client language.

Notifications include:
  • Olms' HP: Displays on screen within 5% of the jump phase
  • Storm the Heavens: ~5s preemptive countdown before the kite phase starts
  • Llothis' Defiling Blast: ~5s preemptive countdown before blast starts.
  • Protectors: Displays when the protectors start to shield Olms
  • Felms' Teleport Strike: ~5s preemptive countdown before jump starts
  • Llothis' Oppressive Bolts: ~13 countdown before he needs to be interrupted (Timer doesn't apply to the first cast)
  • Olms' Steam Breath: ~5s warning before his steam breath attack. (Timer doesn't apply to the first cast)
  • Trial by Fire: Not preemptive, just displays when it starts being cast.
  • Maim: Displays a countdown for the duration of Felms' maim while it is on you.

/astracker - Opens the settings menu
/astrackertoggle - Locks/Unlocks the notifications (can also be done within the settings menu)

Each Notification is resizable, movable, and the color can be changed. (OlmsHP, Storm and Sphere notifications alternate between 2 different colors, which is why it displays 2 colors in the picture)

Displays a notification when Llothis/Felms comes up/goes down and provides 10s and 5s notifications before they come back up

Here's a video of a friend of mine using the original release of the addon in a +2 run:

Note: The "Toxic" notification when Llothis is interrupted can be changed in the settings to whatever you want.
