Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenu


For now the addon is still in development and this is a beta version, bugs might happen but it should have close to no impact on your overall performances.

What it does :

It will display a window when you're in a trial with :
  • On the Left the step's name
  • In the Middle you get the won/lost time over the entire raid timer
  • On the Right you can see the best timer for each step (saved in your savedVariables), once you go through the step the timer will update to the current raid timer
  • Then you have the raid timer and a score prediction based on the best possible time
  • The won/lost time on the previous segment regardless to the total raid timer
  • And best possible time correspond to the best possible time with you current run and your best timer, which means if you Best Timer on the raid is 14min and on your current run you have 1min lead the best possible time would be 13min

There is also a Simulate function in the settings with which you can simulate your score with your best or custom timer and a full vitality.

"Hide Group" function is included, which was originally copied from the addon by Wheels (BIG Thanks), and has been modified to give players a few options.

Thanks to Solinur, for helping me learn something new in LUA, and while I'm at it, also for his incredible addons and contributions to the player base.

I often forget to check comments in here, so if you need to get in contact with me, the fastest way is through my Discord server.
