Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenu
Optionals : LibMapPing + LibGPS

HowToSunspire - What does it track ?

Trash / All Raid :
Tracks ALL heavies including bosses and the eternal servant.
Jode´s and Jone's Jump.
Shield Charge from the 1H & Shield add.
ALL Meteors and Comets including those dropping during bossfights or inside the portal.
Lava Geyser when near to you.

Lokkestiiz (Ice Boss) :
Ice Tombs:
  • Tomb spawn and which tomb it is
  • Remaining time until you have to pick it up
Adds a countdown for the bosses beam attack during his flight.
Fire Spit during Lokke and Nahvin that will pop an AoE and then spawn an Atronach.

Yolnakiin (Fire Boss) :
Alerts you when fire atros spawn.
A timer that tell you in how many time he will cast next Fire Focus.

Nahvintaas (Gold Boss) :
Notifies you about the sweeping breath mechanic and its direction.
Alerts you when boss cast the Thrash mechanic.
A timer that tell you in how many time he will cast next Molten Meteor.
Portal Notifications:
  • Portal spawn aswell as well as the remaining time until it expires
  • When to bash the Enternal Servant and its cone attacks
  • How much time until the next pin
Tell you when the Negate Field is triggered on you
Notifies you about the fire storm mechanic, also working downstair if you and one upstair people are using optionals libraries. (Make sure to have someone enabling ping sending in the settings)
Show a coutdown about the time remaining to finish the eternal servant before wipe (3 pins).

I'm Planning to add :
Flare for Offtank and which group to avoid
A notification for upstairs people telling the % of downstair Servant

If you find any bug, would like to suggest a modification, or would like another mechanic to be tracked, then make sure to tell me. (Floliroy is taking a break from the game and his addons for the game, and has entrusted their maintenance to @nogetrandom (PC-EU). May (the) God(s) have mercy)
