You probably been in the situation. You get a group together for a trial and not all of you are using discord and not everyone has done it before. That means typing out mechanics for the few people who are not using voice. If you know how slow this can be, then this is the addon for you.


You are starting out with trials & want a quick guide in-game that can explain/remind you of specific mechanics without the need to run 2 monitors or switch to desktop to check out a guide mid trial.


Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0

Full text guides for all trials in normal, veteran & hard modes.
Full text guide for veteran Dragonstar Arena
Quickly accessible via in game slash commands.
Quick access on-screen menu so you can instantly put the mechanic or boss you want explained into chat. Also useful as a reminder for which mechanics to mention if you are the trial leader.
Guides can be output to the chat channel of your choice (group, guild, officer etc) or run the guide in 'Personal Mode' so that only you will get the guide output.
Text colour options for 'Personal Mode'.
Damage mitigation settings for the red cp tree are included for the veteran trials.
Fully resizable chat window.

Whilst trials, bosses & mechanics can be done in a variety of ways, these guides are based on the most commonly used techniques and terms. If you want to do a specific mechanic a different way, then you obviously still have the option to put your own method into chat yourself.

How to Use

Trial guides for all current trials are accessed via slash commands, for example,

"/nso" - will open a 'list of commands' for the Normal Sanctum Ophidia trial
"/nso 1" - will put the first part of the guide into chat

"/ttg" - opens the settings menu for the addon
"/ttgui" - toggle the onscreen window on and off


Currently the guides are output based on your game language and are available in: -

German (Partially Translated)

If you would like to assist with translation, then please contact me.
This is not a small job The translation for a new language involves in the region of 33,000 words.
