Note that this is essentially a beta addon, and is still very much a work in progress. There will be problems and missing features.

Required libraries: LibAddonMenu2, LibUnits2 (bundled) is a combat notification addon, much like RaidNotifier and Code's Combat Alerts.

Boss Timers! now has the ability to show a timer counting down to when certain trial bosses become targetable. Currently supported on Zhajhassa, Rakkhat, Pinnacle Factotum, Refabrication Committee, Varlariel, Navi, and more. Additional boss(es) to be added soon.
Note: Boss Timers will only function with an English client.

This addon is not meant to replace existing alert addons, but rather includes notifications for attacks that I either would like to appear differently, or feel should have an alert that don't already.

This is being ported from a private addon I made years ago, so there are many alerts that I plan on adding that are still missing, and I'm also willing to take suggestions for other alerts that people would find useful.

Big thanks to andy.s for porting the embedded lib in RaidNotifier to a more friendly to access version!

- lots of notifications lul
