Addon brought to you by @aldericon and @ChaosFractal.

Cloudrest Mini Helper keeps track of the 'minis' in Cloudrest.

- Galenwe's Icy Teleport, Glacial Spikes and Icy Cage
- Siroria's Fiery Crash and Standard of Might
- Relequen's Flux Burst and Direct Current

The addon's UI comes up when any of the three minis is up. The countdowns for each of the categories start the first time the ability goes off, then does a countdown depending on the ability of when it's going to start again. Once it's counted down, it will indicate 'INC' (incoming) until the mini performs the ability. For the bash ability, it will say 'BASH' instead of 'INC' and will say 'OK' once bashed or the bash ability is done. When multiple abilities are active, the mini will decide which one to execute, and will begin counting down the ability once done. Once a mini goes down, it will try to stop counting down - if not, it will automatically stop counting down for the mini after 15 seconds.

This addon is meant to give a good idea when to expect the next ability, and I hope to continue building / testing it to help make it better. Note that due to this being for a trial, not all paths have been tested - please let me know if you something doesn't work or if you have ideas for how to make it better!

A special thank you to the Sempiternal Way guild (NA) for the idea and testing!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to mail me in game at '@aldericon'.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 (LibAddonMenu)
