Welcome to ExoYs Rockgroover Open Beta

This Addon provides a highly customizable interface, to help you to get through Rockgro(o)ve save and sound. Hopefully breaking some planes on the way! It is an extention to Codes Combat Alerts.

Creating and maintaining addons takes effort and time.
If you enjoy my work and would like to support me, check out the donation tab.

  • Codes Combat Alerts (link)
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 (link)

Supported Languages:
  • English
I am also still looking for people to help me with the localization for languages other then german and english. (No programming knowledge required). Let me know, if you are interessted to help out.

Profiles allow you to quickly change to different setups. The right settings for your role and group are only one click away (no /reloadui required)

How to setup:
The menu contains extensive options to customize the addon.

Each boss has its own submenu, where you can customize available panel and the usual on screen announcements from combat alerts (pop ups).

At the moment tooltips are only available for oaxiltso.
But more will be added with future updates.

A more detailed guide for setup will be written once the addon is complete.

Trash fights
  • Hasted Assault
  • Extrication <- AoE Explosion on three playes by Soulweaver
  • Earthquake <- Ground AoE from Reaver
  • Health Indicator for Meteor (not required to have reticle on meteor!)

Oaxiltso (1.Boss)

Pop-ups (Center Screen)
  • Sunburst <- 3 Meteors after HA from Mini
  • Poisoned <- When you get affected by the poison
  • Meteor Crash <- add spawning (countdown for the last 5 seconds)
  • Noxious Sludge <- Two poison projectiles from main boss
  • Savage Blitz <- Dodge Timer for Charge
  • Blazing Boon <- Main Boss goes Enrage
  • Magma Sludge <- magma projectiles landing randomly in the arena for 12 seconds

Anticipation (see more details down below)
  1. Molten Earth <- Main Boss jumping, creating flame walls
  2. Blistering Smash <- Ground AoE from Main Boss
  3. Savage Blitz <- Main Boss charging at furthers player
  4. Ravenous Chomp <- Main Boss HA
  5. Noxious Sludge <- Two poison projectiles from main boss

Poison Tracker
  • who is affected by the poison and for how long
  • indicator if person is tank or healer
  • counting the poison, after the third pool becomes magma (hm-mechanic)
  • small note next to the poison counter, indented for a reminder if you are supposed to take a certain poison
ExoYs Support Icon Extention can be used to display arrows above players, affected by the poison.

Pool Tracker
  • Indicator for when a pool becomes fresh again
  • can be set to rotate according to your camera direction
  • can be set to any fixed orientation (using the pool at the hm-banner as reference)

Bahsei (2.Boss)

Due to high demand the prototype of my death touch timer is already included.
(I underestimated the importants of it). Future update will include options to customize it.

Pop-ups (Center Screen)
  • Hemorrhaging Smack <- Attack from Abomination leaving heavy dot
  • Cursed Ground <- appearence of Grave Thorn on player furthest away from main boss
  • Clockwise <- Portal Direction (Hm mechanic)
  • Counter Clockwise <- Portal Direction (Hm mechanic)
  • Scalding Strike <- Attack from Fire Behemoth leaving heavy dot
  • Fire Behemoth <- spawn of add (only works for supported languages)
  • Health Indicator for Meteor (not required to have reticle on meteor!)
ExoYs Support Icon Extention can be used to display arrows above players, affected by death touch. The arrow includes a countdown until this person explodes.

Anticipation (see more details down below)
  • Meteor Swarm
  • Cursed Ground <- appearence of Grave Thorn on player furthest away from main boss
  • Sickle Strike <- attack from main boss, sending out three aoe's

Portal Tracker
  • Countdown until next portal
  • Direction of portal while active
  • Duration of Beam upstairs (timer is currently based on the assumption, that player in the portal start beaming at the same time)
  • number of portal (#1 or #2)
  • number of player inside

Xalvakka (3.Boss)
  • add spawn notifications (options will be coming soon)
  • deadstar
  • soulResonance -> you get the blob synergy
  • anticipation for port and split (timings are still experimental and might be off by a little)

Detailed Information for Anticipation
Anticipation includes all mechanics, which have a certain cooldown. The timer indicates, when the mechanic can happen again. Because of other mechanics and animations it is not a perfect way to exactly predict the timing. But it is usually very close.

The panel is highly customizable to fit your personal needs and preferences. Check out the advanced settings within the addon-menu.
For each mechanic there is also the option for a Warning Notification, letting you know when a mechanic is about to happen. Check out the advanced settings within the anticipation menu for that.
(This Warning still works, if the mechanic is disabled for the panel its-self)

Settings for Combat-Alerts
This addon can turn on/off some of the notifications provided by Code Combat Alerts.

Shoutout to Code for his excellent addon and for having the functions to use his interfaces public
