Alerts more information.

Poison Totem dodge Alert
Gargoyle Totem Block Alert
Jump Alert
UI Countdown on Gryphon Skip
UI Countdown Totem Spawn

Captain Vrol
Portal Cast Alert
Portal Position icon (spawn location of the portal)
Countdown Portal Kill (only for Portal player)
Cast Fog Alert
Countdown to Kill Harpoon
UI Countdown Harpoon Spawn
UI Countdown Portal Spawn

Lord Falgraven
Lieutenant Njordal Ground Effeckt (Move)
Lieutenant Njordal Charge Alert (Block)
Instability Icon's over players
Position Icons For Connection
Blood Fountain Block Alert
Prison Kill Countdown
Alert Opening Door
Torturer Feed (Countdown to kill Torturrer)
Torturer Icons
Torturer Alert Porting Down
UI Countdown Instability
UI Displays Stacks of Pulse
UI Countdown Hemorrhage
UI Countdown Open Gates
UI Countdown Torturer Teleport down

Libs Are Needed: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibUnitTracker LibDelayedHandler CombatAlerts LibHandler OdySupportIcons
